Workshops and Conferences

Involvement in the Organisation of Conferences

2025ESPAnet Austria Conference (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
2021Akademie für Soziologie Kongress: Cohesive societies (University of Leipzig, Germany)

Co-Organizer of Workshops

2024/25Fertility (Euregio collaborative seminar between the Universities of Trento and Bozen, Italy and the University of Innsbruck, Austria)
2023/24Education, family and employment over the life course (Euregio collaborative seminar between the University of Trento, Italy and the University of Innsbruck, Austria)
2022Technological change and labour market opportunities (Academy of Science and Literature Mainz, Germany)
2019Causal inference in the social sciences (University of Leipzig, Germany)

Panel Chair/ Session Organizer at Conferences

2024Changing inequalities in international comparison (European Social Survey Conference, Lisbon, Portugal) Link
2023Education over the life course (Austrian Youth Conference, Innsbruck, Austria)

Public Outreach

2020Economic consequences of Covid-19, Round table discussion (Academy of Science and Literature Mainz, Germany)
2020Long Night of Science (Leipzig University, Germany)